The 5 best rooms to renovate in your home

1 | kitchens The most popular renovation is (and probably will be for the foreseeable future) your kitchen. Kitchens have become the center of attention in homes around the world. You can dramatically improve the quality and value of your home by renovating this room first. There are countless ways to upgrade your kitchen, so consider upgrading your cabinetry, adding […]

The rise of keyless theft and how to boost your security

Car theft rates have fallen in recent years, but a recent crime wave in the UK shows that modern vehicles with keyless technology are the new targets for car thieves. Keyless entry is designed to bring convenience to owners, but it is now being used by organized crime gangs and opportunistic criminals to break into and steal vehicles that are […]

love life

Life is so short. The days can seem terribly long at times. January seems very long to me. But now it’s almost over. When I was in my teens and twenties, I thought I would never grow old. I just disqualified the notion. Most young people do. But I’m here to tell you, you just turn around and you’re 40, […]

Will the Atlantic Times address the German threat?

congratulations to the atlantic times in its first anniversary edition! As reported by “This week in Germany”, the English-language newspaper was launched “to stop the separation of Europe and the United States, and especially between Germany and the United States…and build on common ground as we learn to live with our differences,” said the paper’s executive editor, the renowned journalist. […]

6 Growing Trends in Bahamas Tourism

1. Heritage Tourism: The Bahamas is a place that has always been rich in history and as time goes on you will find that more and more visitors yearn to know more about the places they visit and want to know more. the people and what just makes us Bahamians. Despite the various museums and monuments it is open to […]