Lifestyle Fashion

Advantages of East Facing House Plans

Are you planning to build a house? While there are many house plans you can go with, not all of them are ideal for you. One of the best plans that you should consider is the east facing plan.

East Facing House Plan Benefits

There are a number of benefits that come with an east facing plan. Some of the benefits include:

sunshine: Since the sun rises in the east, it means that your house will receive a lot of sunlight during the early morning. This will lower your energy bills since you don’t have to leave the lights on if you get up early.

Health: Researchers have shown that the morning sun is always the best. Since your home will be facing east, you’ll make the most of the beneficial morning sun.

Tips to Consider When Designing an East Facing House Plan

To design a perfect house with east orientation, you must take into account a series of tips:

Plenty of space in the east: as an architect you need to leave enough space in the east. This is the space that the people in the house will use to sunbathe at dawn.

Composite wall this short– To allow plenty of sun into the building, you need to make sure that you do not cover the house with the composite wall. This requires you to build a wall that is much shorter than the house. In order to leave enough space on the east side, you need to make sure that the front door faces the northeast.

have a veranda: When designing the house, you need to make sure that the house has a terrace on the east side where the owners of the house can sit and enjoy the healthy morning sun. You can design a sloped terrace; however, you should make sure that you are not facing west.

Clutter free: To avoid obstructing the positive energy, you need to make sure that the space on the east side is clean and free of clutter. This requires you to remove any piles of dirt, stone, or rubbish that may be there. You should also make sure that the house does not have any high ground. The floor should be less elevated than the central room.

If there is a road in front of the house, then you need to make sure that it is lower than the plot.


These are the advantages of an east facing house plan. If you are interested in an east-facing home, make sure the plan is designed by a professional architect.

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