Legal Law

A shooting exercise to learn the law about, "A moving object…"

I had a revelation about 8-10 months ago when I was shooting a neighbor’s basket for fun. The idea came to my mind that “a moving object tends to stay in motion until an unbalanced force acts on it.” This old law of physics that I learned about in high school came out of nowhere these decades later. When I googled the phrase “An object in motion…”, I discovered that it is called “Newton’s First Law of Motion”. The basketball corollary I’d like to add is: “A BASKETBALL IN MOTION AND IN LINE WITH A HOLE tends to stay in motion and in line until acted upon by an unbalanced force.”

The point is that the longer the ball is in motion and in line, the more accurate your shot will be. The concepts of momentum and inertia also come into play here. One way to experience this law is to shoot early on the jump motion (or bottom-up motion of a free kick or set shot). Most of the great shooters I’ve seen shoot straight up, very early in the movement of the body/legs. If you hesitate, you must restart the movement from where you stopped (usually the reference point) and the accuracy decreases.


Ideally, on a wall free of wires, overhangs, doors, windows, etc., shoot in different ways and see what works best. Pick a spot on the wall so you can get an idea of ​​the accuracy. Also, have the Set Point in line with the eye, either below the eyes for younger players, or above the eyes for stronger players and let’s assume you’re shooting straight up.

Now take the ball up in different ways to the Set Point and shoot. Bring it out of line from the right, such as in line with the ear or shoulder, then bring it to the set point and fire. Notice how you have to “create” a precise direction from the set point and beyond. Now go up the left side towards the S/P and shoot, noticing the same thing. Now get it in line with the shooting eye for as long as possible and shoot. See if your accuracy is higher, if not easier to hit the target line.


Now instead of shooting while going up, get the ball to the S/P and DUDE before you shoot and see what happens. Even if you pick up the ball in line with the eye and the basket, keep in mind that you must CREATE accuracy FROM the reference point. Momentum, inertia, which is gained by shooting in one movement, from the legs, is lost. You have to start over, and it’s easier to push, pull, or throw the ball off the line.


If you catch the ball in the general area of ​​the shot pocket (Set Point), it is natural, in my opinion, to want to “sink” the ball down and up. This is the instinctive way our bodies have to put the object in motion and in line. Take a few shots from the S/P without sinking and see how your accuracy and consistency are. I bet you will feel a bit lost as to the direction. Sure, you can do this perfectly sometimes, but it’s very easy to miss the point. Then shoot again on the way up and see how it feels and what the result is.

These exercises will teach you the things that matter, and early and prolonged alignment and early capture and use of your leg muscles will give you superior accuracy and consistency in my book.

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