
5 ways to give a girl a deeper orgasm

Every man wants to give his girl an amazing orgasm. This article is for the guys who are tired of coming first or not being able to give their girl a deep orgasm. We all love to see a girl on stasis, but sometimes it can be confusing to know what turns her on! In this article, I will go over 5 ways that are sure to make your sex life even better.

1.Tenderness – As a man, it’s sometimes easy to pick on your girl so much, and while that’s also totally attractive and acceptable, you have to remember that women are really sensitive there! Too many guys just copy what they see in porn and bang their parts for no real pleasure. Has your girl ever stopped you? Sorry champ, it’s not because you were so good, but because you were hurting her! He tries to be tender with her. Grasp her lovingly with your masculine hands but let her know through her touch that although you are strong, you will not hurt her. Kiss her all over with love. Show him how much you care through your eyes. Treat it like a fragile flower or a work of art and love it.

2. Slow down – Sometimes, instead of going full force, you need to slow down the process. When you go too fast, sometimes a girl doesn’t even feel the pleasure anymore and instead she starts to feel numb. She tries to go at 50% of the speed that she normally goes. She should experiment and even try going slower than that, even up to 10% speed. When you go slowly your woman can feel everything more intensely. This is something you will have to experiment with.

3. Get intimate with her down there – This is kind of like #1, but this is specifically for her erogenous zones. If you fuck her (which I highly recommend you do, it can lead to some mind-blowing orgasms for her if done right) get intimate with her when you’re there. Too many men treat vaginas like dog toys and just beat them up. Contrary to what porn teaches you, women like it when you are nice to them in those areas. Treat her vagina like she is the most precious thing in the world. Have a conversation between your tongue and her vagina. If you really listen, you will be able to tell what your girl likes. Her body will open more and more to you, you will be able to realize. It just takes time. The accumulation will be crazy for her. The best places to be are around your clitoris and G-spot (a quick Google search will be able to show you where they are).

4. Try to slow down your breathing – When you slow down your breathing when you have sex, you have much more control of your own body. Try breathing in and counting to four in your head, then breathing out and counting to four. When you breathe methodically, she (and you) can feel each other’s sensations a lot more. It also gives you more control to orgasm too quickly if that’s a problem for you. What happens when you are close to orgasm is that your muscles will tense and your breathing rate will increase, but if you can control your breathing, you will tense less and be able to maintain more control of your body. , which in turn will bring you more lasting pleasure.

5. Feedback loop – The feedback loop is really important in making sex more satisfying and sexy. When you have sex, focus on her arousal and pleasure, and focus on transferring that energy to her or her clitoris. When she feels that you are aroused and enjoying yourself, she will feel it too and vice versa. When she gets really turned on, doesn’t she drive you crazy? It’s the same for her, so when you focus on your own arousal and pleasure and focus on transferring that to her, she will start to feel it too and transfer the arousal from her to you creating a feedback loop. She continues to do this as it builds and builds in intensity and eventually you both will climax.

There are my 5 ways to make her orgasm, I hope you enjoyed it, but more importantly I hope you both enjoy it. Don’t focus your enjoyment too much on her orgasm because when you ONLY focus on turning her on and it’s that important to you, it can have the reverse effect and make her feel so pressured to orgasm that she shies away from it. . I really can’t. Just have fun with it.

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