calling the bank

Isn’t that how it’s done? Don’t you call the bank and ask for a list of their foreclosures? If you call the bank, which department do you talk to, the mortgage department? CONVICT? Training Department? If you want to get into a bank’s inventory, there are a few things you can do to increase your success rate. First, understand that […]

Gangnam Style: The District Behind the Big Hit

It’s easy to forget that ‘Gangnam’ in PSY’s viral Internet hit is also a place. Poi-Yun Wan takes a closer look at ‘Seoul Mayfair’. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’re probably familiar with the frustratingly catchy beat of PSY’s international hit Gangnam Style. Like it or not, the Korean rapper’s ‘galloping horse’ dance […]

Do it yourself – build a latrine

An outhouse is basically an open-air toilet. It consists of an excavated pit on which an enclosure is built. Outhouses have evolved from the terrible hole in the ground around which an enclosure was built. However, many people will find the need for a latrine. For example: going to an area that doesn’t have the luxury of an indoor plumbing […]

Managing the meeting from hell! Facilitation Techniques for Managing Three Dysfunctional Personalities

Sherry couldn’t stop thinking about her last team meeting as she walked down the hall to her office. Closing the door to her office behind her, she let out an exasperated cry and reached for something, the knock! Her team was driving her absolutely crazy and she channeled Scarlett O’Hara as she proclaimed: “I will never lead a meeting like […]