Cost estimates for your Sturgis Rally vacation

If you’re heading to Sturgis for the Black Hills Rally and Races in Sturgis, South Dakota, you might be wondering how much your Black Hills trip will cost. As with any vacation, it is always best to have a budget and plan your trip according to your budget. So with that in mind, here are some estimates of typical costs […]

Can the rideshare industry reinvent itself?

It wasn’t that long ago that UBER came onto the scene. Now, just ten years later, they are considering a possible $ 120 billion valuation as an IPO. LYFT, another ridesharing business that started in 2012 now, seven years later, is valued at 15.1 billion. Ridesharing companies like Uber and LYFT were born out of the tech boom we’ve all […]

The new Apple iPhone 7

Apple Inc. is a world-renowned company in the league of smartphone users around the world. Apple products are considered an item of distinction and it is also considered a source of pride to own one. It is a brand in itself and does not require any marketing strategy or skills to register an increase in sales. Apple’s iPhone is the […]

Become an IP PBX Reseller

This guide tries to help you understand what exactly IP PBX is and what you need to start a successful IP PBX business. FIRST COMES FIRST: WHAT EXACTLY IS IP PBX? Years ago, before the existence of PBX, if a worker wanted to speak to another worker in the same office, the full price of the call was charged; Obviously, […]

Additional features in desktop video conferencing

In addition to the real-time video chat facilities, desktop video conferencing offers several other additional features that undoubtedly make it a more pleasant calling option for users. These features can be activated during the web video conferencing setup to maximize the effects of the call. Here are some of the additional features of desktop video conferencing that can make calls […]

Hack U – How safe is your students’ data?

Download a new single, order that pair of sneakers you’ve been looking at, instant message your best friend, pay your cell phone bill, check your intermediate grade, and chat with your fellow philosophers all at once. Life as a college student would not be complete without the joys and conveniences of modern high-speed technology, available on virtually every campus across […]

India as a medical tourism destination

This article answers all these questions that are buzzing in your head with relevant, useful and up-to-date medical tourism information for India! India has quickly become the preferred choice for many foreign patients seeking quality, timely and professional health care services and wellness programs with affordable options offered by leading hospitals and clinics in India. Medical tourism in India today […]