Effective small bedroom setups

The arrangement of the furniture in the room reflects the lifestyle of the inhabitants. So, create a friendly environment that not only supports your daily routine, but also speaks your mind. The bedroom is the space where one spends time relaxing and enjoying. Don’t let the space in the bedroom limit your arrangement ideas. Think outside the box to use […]

Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Online

The proliferation of social media, online games, online forums, and the use of cell phones has given today’s children a technology access never dreamed of a generation ago. Children now have access to an astonishing amount of content, people, and information online. With these advancements, parents now have even more challenges when it comes to keeping their children safe and […]

Twins turning 10: more than a double-digit year

Sharing a room and clothes, without much else to call your own except two drawers of toys, three shelves of books, a toothbrush, shoes, a few gadgets, and various other treasures (which I call “junk”), has gotten too old for Jacob and Aaron Kagon. So to celebrate ten years, they each had separate birthday parties for the first time. The […]

Sliding wristbands: a piece of wearable history

There are specific types of jewelry that have historical significance and reflect your own personal history. As an example, a charm bracelet, with its collection of charms for life, can reveal quite a bit about you. Another type, dating from the Victorian era, is the sliding bracelet. During the 19th century, women in England wore them as a fashion accessory. […]