Am I a medium? 5 things worth knowing about awakening your psychic abilities

1 – Do you think that only famous psychic mediums can communicate with “the other side”? Think again! The vast majority of psychic or spiritual experiences occur to COMMON people. While many people turn to psychic mediums to communicate with loved ones they have “crossed over”, the overwhelming majority of these kinds of extraordinary experiences are experienced by ordinary people. […]

Cure acne with these 6 home remedies

Your skin represents the health of your body. Radiant skin shows great care, a healthy diet and hydration. Skin with blackheads, whiteheads, and other problems is an indicator of oxidative damage, hormonal imbalances, and poor nutrition. Chronic acne and breakouts affect millions of American citizens each year. Many people end up using topical medications to get rid of acne. However, […]

My husband will not admit that our marriage is over, but he will not come home to save our marriage either.

I often hear from wives who feel like their marriage (and therefore their life) is in limbo. Her husband has often withdrawn from them and from the marriage. Sometimes the husband has even hinted at, suggested, or initiated a breakup or separation. The wife may assume that this means the marriage is over, but many husbands pause to confirm this, […]

How to visualize fair skin

Visualize clear skin. Do this daily for a limited period of time and you will begin to attract the things that you need to attract into your life that will allow you to have clear skin. You will become more confident and start to make the lifestyle changes you need to make to heal your acne naturally. How exactly do […]