A Meningitis Tragedy – Get Vaccinated!

Tragically, an Ohio college student whose home is a town from mine died last week of bacterial meningitis. The loss of a teenager to illness is heartbreaking, especially when a safe and effective meningitis vaccine is available. I still remember medical school lectures where professors warned us that bacterial meningitis can kill a person in hours. They showed us slides […]

What the hell is Life Coaching?

In my talks, I have often compared today’s coaching to the psychotherapy of the 1920s. The level of public understanding of coaching, outside of people in a certain sociodemographic category, is still in its infancy. We are all so saturated with the language of psychoanalysis (it is difficult to read a book or watch a movie that is not based […]

Do you want to avoid failure? Move to a log cabin

Is it possible to constantly fail and achieve ultimate success? Ask anyone who has achieved success, however you want to define it, and I will guarantee that the common answer will be: YES. How is this possible? Well, there are two ways to define failure and there are several ways to respond to it. But first, from the sources, definitions: […]

The 5 best countries to study in Europe

Study in europe Obtaining a higher education abroad is a great achievement and a life-changing experience, but most of the time it includes high costs and many other higher requirements that can be difficult for some students to complete. For these students, studying in Europe is a good option. There are many European countries where the requirements for a student […]

Best medical schools

Medical schools in the United States can be classified into two broad categories: those that focus on research and those that focus on primary care. Each category has a kind of hierarchy when it comes to reputation. There is no clear-cut way to establish a list that begins with the “best” and ends with the “worst,” but of course, some […]

The wall: protector or divider?

“Build a 10 foot wall and I’ll build an 11 foot ladder” – Jamaican Proverb “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” – United States President Ronald Reagan The United States is spending millions to build a wall to keep Mexicans out. What good will it do? Israel built a wall to keep the Palestinians out. What good did it do? […]

Called to be Saints, A Biblical Perspective: A Book Review

AUTHOR Dr. John N. Oswalt, Old Testament research professor at Wesley Biblical Seminary in Mississippi, retreat leader, lecturer, member of the NIV translation team, and New Living Translation editorial team presents a full portrait of the Bible ” s teaching on the godly life, the result of some forty years of study, teaching, preaching and reflection. KIND Holiness RESUME Holiness […]

Make America Great Again

With the shocking victory of President-elect Donald Trump and the growing voice of white supremacist groups, comes a flood of racist comments that have caused several Americans to stop and think. The motto Make America Great Again ‘ Does it imply an ethnic cleansing of the region? Is a hidden majority of Americans racist? The Alt-Right got under the coattails […]