Is martial arts training for men and women fun?

Fun? Actually? I guess it depends on what you’re doing in martial arts to classify as fun. Or if you’re a sick, twisted fool who likes self-abuse and mayhem, brutal martial arts training can be fun. It all comes down to what your motivation is for training. If you like competitions, patches, trophies, name recognition, and glory, then you should […]

Has Google helped end the need for advertising?

Here’s a question for the new year: Does a Google search ranking on the first page replace the need to keep spending on advertising? After all, if you’ve made it to the top of the listings in Google search results, what else is needed? Times have certainly changed. Understatement of the year, right? But it is true. Having been in […]

Public Administration Management

Public administration is the governance of public entities and is carried out at various levels such as federal, state and local. The main concern of the administration is the organization of government policies and programs in such a way that work activities in public offices are managed adequately for the benefit of government bodies and society as a whole. Those […]

You are royalty and the bible explains why

First, we must understand Royalty. Royalty- A person of royal rank or lineage. In royalty you have your Emperor, King, Queen, Prince, etc. Each emperor has his empire, which consists of many territories, nations, or kingdoms. Every King has his kingdom, and every Prince has his Principality, and every Priest has his Levitical priesthood. God (the father) has a massive […]

Important Forex News of 2018

We all know that the news is an important part of our lives. No morning is complete for us without glancing at the newspaper over a cup of hot tea. However, along with all the news going on around you, it is good if one is aware of what is going on within the country in the context of business, […]

What does a civil lawyer do?

A lawyer who specializes in civil law is known as a civil lawyer. Civil law has many fields including business law, corporate law, intellectual property law, family law, personal injury law, inheritance law, real estate law, tax law, etc. Civil law is a branch of law that deals with disputes between individuals and/or organizations, in which compensation can be awarded […]

A Simplified Staffing Business Model

In the same way that Amazon and eBay have helped many start, grow and run an eCommerce business, this same help is now available for starting a staffing business. There are now over two million third-party sellers on Amazon. The infrastructure found on Amazon and eBay is plug_and_play for everyone trying to claim their share on these selling platforms. With […]

Interview with Tim Smith, author of "The revenge factor"

Interview with Tim Smith author of The Vendetta Factor Post America (2006) ISBN 9781424141258 Reviewed by Richard R. Blake for Reader Views (5/07) Today, Reader Views’ Tyler R. Tichelaar is pleased to welcome Tim Smith, author of “The Vendetta Factor.” Tim Smith is an administrator in the field of human services, working with adults with disabilities. He resides in Dayton, […]