Do-It-Yourself Staging Tips for Home Sellers

The buzzword today among residential real estate agents is staging. Home staging can change the atmosphere of a home which attracts homebuyers which can bring a higher price and speed up time to market. By adding small decorative touches, rearranging or removing furniture, or creating vignettes, a home can look like a professional set designer was hired. Mark Nash, author […]

Top 3 Alternative Internet Radio Stations

It was in the 1990s when we first heard about internet radio. The first broadcast was by a live band known as Sky Cries Mary. The Rolling Stones kept going; and then traditional radio stations began to broadcast special programs on the Internet, live. Today, Internet radios have multiplied in number and the number of people using them has also […]

Who owns the public schools?

Part of the series: School is hell Who owns the public schools? “Without a real private competitive market for education in America, all that is available is what state education central planners choose to provide.” — Richard M. Ebeling, President of The Future of Liberty Foundation The so-called “public” school system does not belong to the public; It is owned […]

Importance of good dog grooming equipment

Dog grooming equipment makes grooming easy and enjoyable. Some of you may think why do we need to spend so much on dog grooming tools? But people who are sensitive and understand the value of dog as well as grooming definitely go for dog grooming equipment that is suitable for their dog. Let’s see an example of a haircut; some […]