Convince guests to choose your hotel

Travelers have many options when choosing a hotel. So why should guests stay at your hotel? While this may seem like a simple question, many hotel managers fall short of answering it. Typical generic response: “You should stay at our hotel because our staff is great and our rooms are clean.” While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this answer, it […]

Beware of the deadly 5 D’s

Ephesians 4:27 Give no place to the devil. The storms of life come and threaten to overwhelm you! Disappointment after disappointment leads to discouragement and depression! the fulcrum Does this sound familiar? Have you ever found yourself at a pity party, wondering why God was being mean to you? You may have even wondered if God was real. And if […]

Why get a bad credit car loan now?

No one should be discriminated against when buying a car America is fascinated by automobiles and owning one gives a great deal of pleasure. To buy a car today, auto loans are a prerequisite. But, for a borrower with bad credit, a car loan seems like a distant dream. Do you have a poor credit score? Is it difficult for […]

Mr. Clean – The house cleaning man

Is your kitchen floor muddy or sticky all the time? Does your bathroom stink? Is the kitchen sink slimy day and night? Do you need a helpful man around the house? He picks up the phone and calls Mr. Clean, the house cleaning man. Mr. Clean is the name of a popular brand of cleaning products from Procter & Gamble. […]

Tips on Caring for Red Lipped Batfish

The red-lipped batfish Ogcocephalus darwini It belongs to the family Ogcocephalidae. This fish is endemic to the waters surrounding the Galapagos Islands, Cocos Island, and Costa Rica. These are bottom dwellers that generally occupy depths in the 100 foot range. The red-lipped batfish is definitely one of the strangest looking marine specimens. His body is highly compressed horizontally. Despite their […]

How protocol saved my dad’s life

I write this article to give hope and options to cancer patients and their families who are looking for better ways to treat this dreaded disease. The diagnosis of the disease is often accompanied by fear of treatment, since it is very invasive and destructive to healthy parts of the body. Since many people are eager to get rid of […]

Internet home business opportunity: start earning money with a zero cost investment plan

Would you like to earn more money with internet home business opportunity? Blogging is the place where one can easily express their thoughts, desires and ideas about their niche of interest to so many people. Another platform is called wordpress which is highly accepted by search engines that continually features new content on your site, this way you can enjoy […]

What happen with the kids?

“It’s better to be from a broken home than to live in one.” I wish I knew the name of the pastor I heard on the radio who offered that amazing statement. I will admit my surprise to learn that it was a pastor who said it. I remember smiling to myself and exclaiming out loud, “Thank you.” Because what […]

The goal of religion

It is not certain that anyone has tried to compile a list of all the forms of religion that one can find throughout the world. Many people live from religion. We can state the obvious by saying that they appear to have made an excellent choice of profession. What makes the practice of religion so overwhelming is the human perception […]