Health Fitness

Thinking of popping a pimple? Things to consider

What is your first reaction when early in the morning you stand in front of the mirror and notice a pimple on your face? Most of us have the first feeling of taking it out so it doesn’t affect its appearance.

But does removing a pimple really help?

Often times, health experts and family elders advise against removing a pimple for different reasons, such as:

  • It can inflate a pimple even more, making it look even worse at some point.
  • It can also lead to other pimple breakouts on the surrounding skin.
  • Removing a pimple leaves a scar on the face.

What Causes Pimples?

Now, before trying to get rid of that pimple on your face, it is important to know the reasons that cause such rashes on your face.

Some of the possible causes are listed below:

  • Do not remove your makeup and do not clean your face before going to sleep at night
  • Not having a healthy diet.
  • Eating too much fatty or junk food
  • Do not remove excess oil from the skin from time to time.
  • Remove existing pimples incorrectly and many others

Ways to get rid of pimples

If you already have a pimple on your face and you have plans to go to a party or meet friends, you need to find a way to hide it. You can use some good makeup products to hide the rash or you can use a concealer to smooth the skin for a limited period of time. If you suffer from persistent pimples, it will generally be necessary to do a little more than just keep your face clean and eat healthy. Fortunately, there are a host of over-the-counter (OTC) creams that can work wonders to clear up pimples and prevent more from showing up in their place.

However, if you want to get rid of it completely, you can try one of the ways mentioned below.

  • Medications that have compositions such as salicylic acid or 5% benzoyl peroxide.
  • Natural ingredients like tea tree oil, sandalwood oil, neem oil, turmeric, etc.

Remove the pimple the right way

Although it is not advisable to remove a pimple, some people try it anyway. For those who wish to remove a pimple, it is recommended to use the correct way to do it. Pop a pimple only if it has matured enough.

You can follow the steps below:

  • Use hot water and salt to soften or ripen it. Cotton soaked in water should be used to compress the sides of a grain and not the tip. Compressing the tip can push pus into the skin.
  • A mature bean will have a white appearance on top. Often with the use of hot water, the top can burst and expel the pus. But if that doesn’t happen, you can take a new needle and sterilize it and then pierce the top of a pimple.
  • When the pus starts to come out, slowly press down on the sides and move it up.
  • Make sure your hands are also sterilized and that the surrounding skin does not touch the pus from a pimple. An ideal way is to continue cleaning the pus with a cotton ball soaked in hot water.
  • After all the pus has come out, apply an antibiotic ointment to help dry the pimple and protect your skin from further infection.

In general, removing a pimple can cause other complications, but in some cases, skin experts help to remove a pimple correctly. In case you are trying to remove a pimple yourself, the points mentioned above are sure to help you get rid of it.

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