Real Estate

Lead generation and marketing plans for real estate professionals

In previous articles, we focused on targeting a niche, the MHOs that benefit the most from their services. We now turn our attention to generating leads from that particular niche and creating a marketing plan for success (the HOW).

Once you have identified the WHO, you need to set up a plan to communicate with them in order to capture that business. Do not neglect a single person within the target. If you’ve selected a particular neighborhood, for example, all servers at all restaurants and all managers/owners at all businesses in that area must know your name and game. A consistent, brand image is essential, and you should take it and leave it wherever you go. The person you introduce should be just as consistent: friendly, competent, and willing to help.

Marketing expert blogger and author Seth Godin reminds us that marketing is simply a matter of spreading ideas, but the very act of spreading those ideas is a powerful force. He suggests that your marketing be a form of storytelling: let the consumer get to know you and your business through memorable storytelling. The story can be told in print, such as a glossy brochure or an easy-to-remember business slogan or slogan, but it must also be told through every visual image you present to the public: banners from your website, stationery, postcards, etc. .

Let’s use, for example, your target neighborhood again. You have identified the WHO in the niche and now you want to reach them. They are a mix of singles and upper-middle-class families, mostly professionals, who support their neighborhood through school and community events. The neighborhood is home to a city park, a few small locally owned restaurants, and various businesses. What is your marketing plan to attract them? What story will you tell?

First, be visible. Being present in the neighborhood, supporting it. Live it! If you’re handing out flyers (or sponsoring?) your local half marathon, everything that represents you and your business should be immediately recognizable: your logo, your colors, every image that tells your story. If you want to connect in this neighborhood, shouldn’t your photo on your website and promotional materials include an image of that park? If you’re a runner, the consumer should see you in those shorts. A volunteer? Post your cause image with you in it. To paraphrase humorist Nora Ephron, “everything is copied,” so get out there and tell your story with the real, relevant details of your life.

Second, be different. Seth Godin also warns us that “people only notice the new.” (ALL MARKETERS ARE LIARS, 2005.) The truth is that there are a lot of people who do what you do. So what do you do that’s so different? Or how can you change what you do to be different? “Hot pizza, 30 minutes or less” is a differentiating distinction in a business with countless competition. You cannot “provide the best service” and be considered different from the rest. But define the best service, and perform it, and you will succeed. We know a real estate team that has grown to be the top producers in their market by answering phone calls in five minutes or less, emails and texts in ten minutes. They announced this difference and they delivered, convincing the public that they were interested in providing immediate care and service. Listing appointments included “the test”: potential sellers calling anonymously from an encrypted listing, only to have an agent call back within five minutes asking if they needed help on a particular home. Slam-dunk.

Third, be active. Don’t confuse having a “marketing strategy” with having an “action plan.” You must invest your time, effort, and money to secure targeted marketing resources that target your clientele and give you the best return on your investment. Big doesn’t always mean better, but then again, sometimes it is. Do your homework. Select media that fit both your budget and your goals. Then put your plan into action.

Finally, analyze the results. Track each lead back to its source of origin. That way, you can determine which marketing resources work best and which ones are most profitable. You will know when and how much (much) to change only if you track and account for your leads.

In the end, it’s pretty simple: Get your story right to as many people as possible.

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