
Is there a better way to homeschool?

If you ask 100 homeschoolers what is the best way to homeschool children, you will probably get 100 different answers!

That’s how it is! So what is the best way to homeschool?

Your way.

What makes your way A better way?

  • You take your children’s strengths and weaknesses into consideration when choosing the type of work you will need.
  • You enjoy learning together with your children.
  • Nobody knows your child like you.
  • Your child’s passions can be intricately intertwined in his school day.
  • You can share your passions with your children and call it “school”.
  • You decide what your school day will be like.
  • You can choose whether to use a shrink-wrapped curriculum or books from your local library to teach your children.
  • You’re free from the trap of comparing your 11-year-old to the next 11-year-old you meet. Each one is unique.

It’s a better way, because it’s yours.

It is a journey, a process.

If you are like me, your homeschooling will transform your children and fit into your routine.

Homeschooling is a living thing that breathes.

As your child grows and develops strong interests, his education leans toward them.

Don’t get caught up in a prepackaged idea of ​​what your child’s education should be. Sure, you need basic goals for them to reach them, but much of your education will capture itself along the way.

Take it easy.

Enjoy your children.

Embrace the unexpected and take advantage of moments of intrigue and excitement.

  • Did your kids bring tadpoles home from a friend’s house? Search YouTube and the Discovery Channel to find videos that teach about the life cycle of frogs and toads.
  • Find journal pages that have lily pads for them to write down their observations.
  • Teach them to do research online to find out what those tadpoles need to eat to survive.
  • Visit your local pet store and talk to the people who work there to learn more about frogs.
  • Go to the library and check out some books on the cycles of life (butterflies, frogs, people, etc.).
  • Teach Venn diagrams and compare and contrast frogs with any other living creature. How are they alike, how are they different?
  • Make a lapbook.
  • Get a frog kit and see how those frogs behave compared to the wild variety.
  • Let the kids make their own documentary.

Ride tides of excitement like a surfer who caught the perfect wave!

Embrace your best homeschooling!

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