
How to choose the carpet and its advantages

Rugs: style and personality that reflect

As with any decorative item, a rug should reflect the style and personality of the homeowner. That said, rugs and other flooring alternatives impact a much larger area and this means they need to fit in with the furniture, colors, and overall style.

That is why when choosing a rug you must take into account the area and the impact of the color. Choosing strong colors or patterns will influence the overall environment. Strong carpet colors should be combined with softer wall tones and lighter colored furniture, or alternatively, a scant amount of these. In fact, this type of decoration is becoming popular where the accent is on the carpet and the floor. This, for example, is where residential carpet tiles have a distinct advantage, as they have the standard characteristics of the carpet, as well as the ease of installation and the enormous design possibilities (including the design of new patterns simply by mixing different tiles ).

In essence, the rug provides the tone of the room, while the other elements complement it.

The other option is to install a rug with simple and lighter colors to highlight the different pieces of furniture that fill our room and give them harmony. Here the carpet complements the furniture and the decoration of the walls.

Even so, different types and styles of carpet can be used to differentiate the parts of our house according to their function. For example, if you choose area rugs, oriental rugs, or carpet tiles, you can move them around whenever you want, creating a new environment every time. And this, again without spending money, but simply by moving the area rugs.

Always remember that regular cleaning (vacuuming) will keep them healthy and long-lasting.

There are some of us who enjoy walking barefoot when we are at home and, for all practical purposes, the best surface to do so is the carpet. There is a huge variety of rugs and for this haircut and hair are perfect.

Carpet also absorbs sound (as hard surfaces transmit vibrations) and is warmer not only to create ambience and atmosphere, but also when it comes to temperature.

Rugs bring comfort, warmth and accentuate our style.

Color and rugs

Many times our first reaction is to buy a rug or rug based on our immediate reaction to color. There is nothing wrong with this, but perhaps it is better to stop for a second and think about the area, our furniture and the colors. If you are looking for an area rug, you need to imagine it in a specific place in the room.

If you opt for wall-to-wall carpeting, it is best to take the samples home with you. This has two advantages:

  1. Many times when we look at a specimen, we hold it in our hands and our eyes focus a few inches away instead of looking at it from a bird’s point of view (even if the bird is flying very low).
  2. The second advantage is related to light. Each room will have a different lighting effect and at different times. Shadows, the type and intensity of light, and even if sunlight enters through the windows, will make a difference in the hue of the color and how it is reflected.

Ultimately, then, an impulse-bought rug will not necessarily be the best option, if the rug, while beautiful in itself, doesn’t fit in the right area or if it has a style that contrasts with the furniture in our home or office.

Buying a rug means being aware of the design and general mood of the room: the spaces, the colors of the walls and the furniture, the style of the furniture, the light in the room and many other elements that can help us to choose. . one product over another.

You should not get carried away by fixed ideas or first impressions as you may fall into the trap of ignoring the design context and then you will have the problem of trying to match your current furniture with the carpet and this can be expensive (finding furniture to fit the carpet rather than fitting it into your overall interior design plan) or it’s just not right.

Unfavorable light can give a darkening effect to a dark colored carpet. If this goes with the room, great, if you can’t create an uncomfortable atmosphere, many times it’s just a feeling and not something specific.

On the other hand, the same dark rug in a large, well-lit room, with subdued color tones, will become the focal point and draw attention to the overall style.

A red area rug or carpet tile combination over a similar floor color will tend to fade and fade, while a light rug will have the strength to highlight the surrounding floor, making the color of the clay brighter at the same time. view and providing a favorable contrast. .

Some people combine the carpet with the furniture, searching among the colors for something reminiscent of the cabinet or the table or the library, for the sake of detail and research. If this is your focus, it may be best to think of subdued colors that don’t match the furniture directly, as this will cause these items to lose focus and may actually end up being boring.

It is up to each individual to decide the style, quality, color and patterns of a rug, bearing in mind, however, that each desired atmosphere depends on several criteria.

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