
How To Be A Master At Foreplay: Satisfying Women In Ways They Never Before Imagined

It may come as a surprise, but there are more girls and women who are complaining that their men are ignorant of the fine art of foreplay. Most guys finish before their girl has even started or is just starting to enjoy and get horny. However, to be a master at foreplay, you will need to become emotionally involved with your girl; fast things are for animals. Here are three tips that will help you become a master at foreplay. However, don’t just limit yourself to these tips, use your imagination to invent and discover new ticks and share them with your peers to make this world a better place…

Psyche yourself-

To be a master of foreplay, you’ll first need to replay the entire lovemaking sequence in your mind. Before you meet your girl, let her imagination run wild and get a graphic picture of everything you want to do to her girl, so that when you finally meet her and take her to her room, you can go on and on. .

Do not neglect the setting-

When entertaining your girl, you can’t afford to ignore the surroundings. Make your bedroom a comfortable place. For a great lovemaking session, the bedroom should be cozy and comfortable, with clean sheets, no clutter, and plenty of pillows. If possible, have soft, silky sheets on your bed and a dim light near the bed. A bottle of sparkling wine in an ice bucket or a wine cooler with two wine glasses on the nightstand is sure to impress her girl and set her up for a long eventful night.

Don’t be obsessed with orgasm-

Don’t set goals for how many orgasms you will give your girl, instead enjoy every moment you are with her without focusing on the genitals. Kiss her mouth, neck, shoulders, back, navel, pubis and other sensitive parts of her body as she begins to harden. Stop and slowly walk over to the fridge and grab some treats like chocolate cherries and feed her…then resume. one more time. Focus on tender expressions of love and avoid the pressure of being a hard boner machine.

Remember that variety is the spice of life, so try new things. Encourage the girl to tell you her deepest fantasies and try to role-play her in each other’s fantasies. You’ll add some much-needed zest to her love life and you’ll be well on your way to being a master at foreplay.

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