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Foreigners, Freemasons and Nazis, my God!

Conspiracy writer Jim Marrs has a new book published, Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America. The bad guys trying to rule the world this time are (insert dramatic pause) Nazis. But wait, folks, not the Nazis of WWII, but those who started building businesses in Europe while Germany was being rebuilt and the ones brought in by Project Paperclip and ended up as corporate moguls defending Nazi ideology by being … well. .. erm … corporate moguls. The fact that scientists were brought to America after the end of World War II to share their classified knowledge of top-secret Nazi projects was far from being loyal SS soldiers and was likely scheduled for execution, so that the Allies would never figure out how to build V2. rockets, does not enter the scene. Neither does the opposition they faced from war veterans who disliked “working with the enemy.” It is also frankly insulting to Wernher von Braun, who created the Saturn V rocket and was one of the people who lobbied the United States government to view space as more than just a place from which to launch nuclear weapons against the Russians.

The Fourth Reich essentially creates a definition of Nazism vague enough to become what Marrs wants it to be and then uses it to attack people they don’t like by linking them to wars, authoritarian bills, or incendiary laws and speeches. It could have made a stronger argument if it had focused on all the love Hitler received from powerful people around the world before invading Poland and the companies that used slave labor that he provided to make Nazi war machines. But by focusing on scientists with very dubious loyalties to the Nazi Party working in the Swiss Alps in last minute attempts to miraculously win the war at the 11 hour and on people who were members of the Nazi party to survive Hitler’s oppression trying to leave some marks. to support their families, undermines the basic premise. In short, the book is a long Ad Nazium.

And there’s one more thing Marrs confused me with. With the evil neocons, trilateralists, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Rothchilds of the Builderberg Group, the aliens, the energy companies hiding extraterrestrial goods and now, the Nazi ghosts spearheading the major global corporations fighting for control of the human race. How can anyone work these conspiracies without being undermined by at least three or four more? At this point, all the forces of evil trying to control us should be tripping over each other and unleashing an interstellar war for control of a tiny blue planet floating around an ordinary star in Nowhere, Milky Way.

Unless, of course, there’s a super conspiracy on top of all this playing the other secret rulers and fool’s orders on their latest quest to do … something. I guess we’ll find out in the next book, huh? After all, this is why being a conspiracy writer is so cool. You always need to create a new layer of evil on top of the layers you have already established to explain the holes in your theories. That means more books, more sales, and another book in the works as soon as the ink dries on the first edition of your latest cauldron. If people object, accuse them of being sheep brainwashed by the government-controlled media or a government puppet seeking to discredit you, the truth seeker, in the same way as a politician. running for office counters his enemies. Yes, it is good business to be a conspiracy theorist …

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