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Choosing a drug rehab program in Maryland

Drug rehab programs in Maryland

There are hundreds and hundreds of drug rehab programs in Maryland that claim to provide the most effective addiction treatment in the country. You can go online and find drug rehab after drug rehab listed with a variety of “recovery claims.” It appears that most of these drug and alcohol rehab programs are properly licensed and provide basic addiction treatment services. However, there are several challenges and one is that Maryland drug rehab could be located close to its “trampling grounds” and the second is the quality of the family recovery program it offers.

Choosing drug rehab outside of Maryland

While it is generally more comfortable to choose drug rehab close to home, we are not seeking comfort, we are seeking recovery. The closer a person is to their home, the closer they are to the neighborhood liquor store and drug dealer. In the early stages of drug rehab, a person will generally go through an alcohol detox or a drug detox. This is a challenging time, where the cravings are intense and the desire to leave drug rehab is at an all-time high. People generally think twice about leaving drug rehab if they are not receiving addiction treatment services in their own backyard.

The family component in drug rehabilitation

We all know the damage that has occurred within the family due to years of drug addiction and alcoholism. Most drug rehab programs will offer family therapy once a week for two to three weeks to solve problems that have taken years to develop. Quality addiction treatment and drug rehabilitation programs will have a family recovery component consisting of a minimum of four full days for the family and patient to work together. These groups must be led by a licensed marriage and family therapist with experience in addiction treatment.

In order to addiction treatment program, drug rehab, alcohol rehab or dual diagnosis treatment center in Maryland, you can call the National Addiction Treatment Helpline at 1-800-511-9225 or go to

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