
Candida elimination with mucus in the stool: feeling better after diarrhea

I got an email from someone I know asking about mucous stools in death from candida. A couple of years ago, she started taking products from the Candida Wellness Center in Provo, Utah. They had a product (can’t remember the name, they didn’t have it for a long time) that gave him diarrhea. But, the diarrhea was all mucous. It often lasted several hours, but afterward she felt great. She felt like a lot of crap had come out of his system and the feeling would last a couple of days. The most obvious change after having mucous diarrhea was that she did not feel stiff and sore (which is a daily problem for her). The diarrhea situation lasted for about a year, even when she was no longer taking the product that started it. She wonders if anyone else has experienced mucous diarrhea.

Well, my husband and I spent over $12,000.00 on the Utah program. It worked fine while we were on it. Shortly after finishing, we had a viral infection and had to take antibiotics. The yeast is back and worse than ever. We had no mucus with the diarrhea. But I have been having it in my cleanse after using Homozon or after an H2O2 enema. After the enema, much of the mucus looks like yeast that a colon therapist showed me during a session several years ago in California. I think anytime mucus comes out, it’s a good thing.

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